FKKMK-UGM. Fasting is not a barrier to doing activities. Precisely by doing activities, can be an important point to maintain fitness and balance the condition of the body during fasting. In essence, during fasting it is permissible to reduce activities, but don’t do any activities. Fasting services are run for approximately 12 hours without eating and drinking. Limp, hunger and thirst can hit. However, activities must continue. It is precisely in this service, it is recommended to continue to do good and gain merit including working as well as possible.
“Various health studies now, fasting is good for health if done properly. This talkshow is a form of institutional concern to provide an understanding of how to do activities and manage your diet during and after fasting, “said the Deputy Dean of UGM Research & Development, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK), dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, MSc., PhD., Thursday (31/5) when opening the Talkshow.
Body backup when fasting is extraordinary. This statement was expressed by physiology medical expert, Dr. dr. Zaenal Muttaqien Sofro, AIFM when starting his presentation. “Sports do try to mobilize food reserves, but watch out, many fasting people ignore water intake. For exercise, we must realize whether our hydration is sufficient. If you have, exercise can be done 2 hours before breaking the fast or 2 hours after breaking the fast, if we feel less hydration, “he said.
What are the sports requirements for a fit body? This medical expert in Austrian graduate physiology adds that there are three things that are considered when exercising to make the body fit. First, it involves large muscles, both lower and upper limbs. Second, the movements must be rhythmic rhythmically. Third, continuous or continuous movement. Some sports that are recommended include: brisk walking, jogging for those without knee problems, static cycling, gymnastics or swimming.
“Good exercise is to give the body a chance to rest, a week of at least 3 times, a maximum of 5 times. The principle of Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type (FITT) is important to pay attention to, “he added. The human body is principally divided into three, namely under the diaphragm, above the diaphragm and limbs. What works is the body above the diaphragm; while what is often problematic is the one below the diaphragm.
“Managing body parts above the diaphragm can be by breathing exercises, vocalization, and posture. Tadarus Al-Quran, prayer, can maintain human health. Through tadarus, there is movement of the jaw directly to the brain stem associated with the heart. Respiratory too. While the prayer movement will change blood pressure, and it will be monitored for its relationship with the 9th and 10th nerves, also directly to the heart, “doctor Zaenal.
Then what about nutritional nutrition? Health nutritionist, Dian Caturini Sulistyoningrum, B.Sc., M.Sc emphasized that water plays an important role during fasting. To regulate the hydration of water, Dian Caturini revealed that 2 cups at the time of opening, 4 cups between tarawih or before going to bed until sahur, and 2 more glasses at the time of sahur being the minimum standards required. “Consuming foods that are rich in water, such as fruits and sauces, can also support water hydration efforts,” he said.
Dian Caturini in her presentation also said that during fasting, you should consume water as pure as possible. “Coffee, as much as possible reduced or minimized. The nature of the coffee attracts more fluid in the body, as well as soft drinks, sweet foods, and starch. “The food is empty calories, meaning it is consumed fast but does not feel full and high in calories,” he explained.
For certain health conditions, such as pregnant women, the elderly and even people with diabetes and gout, for nutritionists it is not necessarily recommended to fast. “They need arrangements when fasting and under expert doctor consultation,” said Dian Caturini.
The 60 minute duration talkshow generally aims to: (1). increase public knowledge regarding the importance of nutritional nutrition during and after fasting. (2). increase public knowledge of healthy lifestyles during and after fasting. (3). increase public knowledge regarding patterns and ways to maintain body fitness during and after fasting through nutrition and sports intake. This event will be guided by a moderator: Eri Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo, S.Kep., NS., M.N.Sc. (Wiwin / IRO; Photo: Dian)